Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention and Banquet

Stampede Park, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
The Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention offers an exciting opportunity to network with Rotarians and volunteers involved in the Rotary Youth Exchange program from around the world. You will learn alongside friends, exchange ideas, and make connections for future exchanges while experiencing Calgary.
Friday-Saturday, 20-21 June | $150
Our program features general sessions as well as interactive workshops.
Preconvention sessions will be held all day Friday and Saturday.
Youth Exchange Officers Banquet
Friday, 20 June | $125
Relax with friends and celebrate the spirit of collaboration at this year’s Youth Exchange Officers Banquet. Banquet tickets are not included in the preconvention registration fee. Purchase your tickets when you register.
Who can attend?
The event is open to all attendees who are interested in the Rotary Youth Exchange program.
How to register
If you plan to attend both the Rotary International Convention and the Youth Exchange Officers Preconvention, you can register online.
If you are attending the preconvention only, download the convention registration form and return it by fax or mail.
Request funding from your district
All district governors are encouraged to send their district’s Youth Exchange officers to the preconvention each year. Contact your district to see if funding is available.
Join Rotary Youth Exchange leaders from around the world on our preconvention Facebook page.